3rd Major Endorsment from the Goonfleet Primary

April 23, 2008

frozenphil from the goonfleet forums writes:

Voted NoghriViR because Davey is a fucking pubbie, Bane is an insufferable faggot, and Darius has proven to be nothing but fucking worthless. NoghriViR is the best of a bunch of terrible choices.

2nd Major Endorsment

April 21, 2008

To follow up my previous endorsment from Lady Scarlet, this Rhino has come out and endorsed me for Eve CSM

The only candidate officially endorsed by LadyScarlet

April 18, 2008

It’s true, I’m the only CSM canidate offically endorsed by LadyScarlet. We reached the deal last night during the Goonswarm vs BoB fight in Delve sysetm 319 last night. The endorsement from LadyScarlet is one of these most important endorsments that any CSM canidate could recieve. She is the Ted Kennedy of EVE